Microsoft Project

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Microsoft Project

Project Management Tools
Project Basics

Creating a Work Plan

Getting started with your project

Task durations

Changing Task Hierarchy

Task Dependency Types


Cash Flow

Keep Track of the Project

Adding start and End Dates

Setting Milestones

Adding Fixed Costs

Adding and Splitting a Summary of tasks

Setting a Baseline

Viewing a Task overview report

Closing the Project

Using a Filter to view the Project.

Adding a Constraint Dates and Lag Time

Viewing Critical Path and Slack

Network diagrams

Become Computer Literate today with your certificate as proof.

If you are interested digitally capturing and maintain control over your project or departments of your company, you can register now for MS Project and save even more when it come to running and managing your projects. Contact us now for more information. You will learn how to use Microsoft Project with confidence.

Duration: ± 15 hours

This is ideal for the business owners and Project or Department Managers who wishes to be able to effectively manage their projects and daily tasks. You will be ale to Plan and build a project, Add tasks and summary tasks to the project, allocate costs, durations and resources to a task and Track the progress of the project at all times with your team.

Course Requirements:  Delegate must be able to operate a computer system and have a good understanding of MS Excel. (Refer MS Excel Level 1, 2 and 3).

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